Economic Development.

  • Not sell any revenue-generating assets.
  • Encourage new industry and business to relocate or set-up in Queensland through reducing ‘red and green tape’, providing guidance to fast-track establishment of business and direct access to government agencies to assist.
  • Allow a 5-year moratorium on Payroll Tax for all new, innovative, start-up businesses employing up to 40 people established after 2017. To be eligible, businesses must be able to demonstrate that they are new to the area and will not use this assistance to simply cannibalise existing businesses or markets.
  • Fund an apprentice scheme for businesses for essential services and trades, including the hotel and catering industries.
  • Rethink how the state is governed. A new model of government will, over a ten year period, progressively oversee the decentralisation of appropriate government departmental head offices to regional cities and the adoption of a regional model of government.
  • Publish a forward program of infrastructure projects to be delivered in regional Queensland.
  • Commit to a ‘buy local’ policy for government departments for contracts, consultancies, goods and services.
  • Commit to ‘red and green tape’ reduction and the reduction in the costs of doing business.