Verge (nature strip) parking policy – One Nation
Queensland Leader of One Nation and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has announced One Nation’s policy for verge parking.
Mr Dickson said, “With urban growth continuing, the issue of Queenslanders finding places to park their vehicles around their properties is escalating. We are seeing smaller and smaller blocks being developed in estates with narrower streets to accommodate more people. There is often little or no on-street parking.
“Currently in Queensland the law does not allow for drivers to park on the verge (footpath, dividing strip or nature strip) adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless a parking control sign applies. The state government currently allows councils to install ‘P on Verge’ signs to allow parking on nature strips. However, this would require a large amount of signage in the region at great expense and would be considered unsightly.”
Sunshine Coast Councillor Christian Dickson has advised that verge parking is a big issue for residents of the Buderim electorate. Cr Dickson said, “I receive daily complaints from residents who have been fined $94 for parking on the verge outside their properties, or for parking in their driveways with their vehicles overhanging the verge. For some families, there is no alternative.”
Mr Dickson said, “After consultation with Cr Dickson and listening to community feedback, One Nation’s policy is that an exemption should be in place for property owners and occupiers. If a One Nation state government is elected or holds the balance of power after the coming state election, we would allow councils to give residents the right to choose whether or not they want vehicles parking on the verge in front of their residence. Any permission would be granted on the proviso that ample room for safe pedestrian access was maintained.
“Council’s throughout Queensland would have the ability to monitor such verge parking allowances on a complaint basis as it currently does through the provision of regulatory services.
“This is about giving power back to the people. If residents do not want vehicles parking on their verge, so be it. However, for families with multiple vehicles and narrow streets, this will stop them receiving council parking fines for parking in front of their residence. For motorists, if the parking is not outside their own residence, then they should assume that is illegal to do so.
Mr Dickson added, “This policy is based on Western Australian legislation. WA is the only state in Australia that accommodates nature strip parking in State and Local Government legislation. One Nation is committed to legislation that puts people before politics.”
One Nation would add to the current Queensland legislation subject to the current rules, an additional subclause that;
A person must not stop or park a vehicle so that any portion of it is on the verge unless the driver is the owner or occupier of the premises adjacent to that verge or is a person authorised by the occupier of those premises.
With the provision that drivers will not under any circumstances park over or within one metre of any inspection plate or pit of any utility i.e. energy, water, telecommunications, or water hydrant likely to be accessed by fire or other emergency services personnel.
This Clause will apply to the following classes of vehicle;
Mopeds, class RE and or C; Learner approved motorcycle, class RE; Motorcycle, class R.
Car [not more than 4.5 tonnes (t) Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) built to carry not more than 12 adults including the driver], class C.
For more information see Facebook video – (link)