Will the LNP commit to funding the Mooloolah River Interchange?

Queensland Leader of One Nation and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson has written to the Leader of the Opposition Tim Nicholls to ask if the LNP will follow One Nation’s lead and commit to funding the $440 million Mooloolah River Interchange upgrade.
Mr Dickson said, “In January 2017 as the Queensland Leader of One Nation, I made a commitment to fund the Mooloolah River Interchange if One Nation is elected to government.”
“Since Kawana was announced as the location for the new Sunshine Coast University Hospital in 2006, both the LNP and Labor have been aware of the need to upgrade the necessary road infrastructure. Houses have been resumed in preparation, but there are no current plans in place by the government to proceed with the upgrade. The current weaving at Mountain Creek is dangerous, and Nicklin Way and Kawana Way will not cope with the additional volume generated from the new hospital.”
Mr Dickson said, “The former LNP State Government understood the importance of this upgrade with then Premier Campbell Newman making an announcement at Kawana in August 2014. The former Premier, surrounded by Sunshine Coat MPs announced plans for a $440 million upgrade of the MRI which included a new direct connection to the $1.8 billion Sunshine Coast University Hospital precinct. This was an LNP commitment for the 2015 election.
“However, with the Sunshine Coast University Hospital now operational, in this current term of government neither Labor nor the LNP have committed to even commence the necessary pre-loading work, let alone the road upgrade.
“On 3 August 2016 Mr Nicholls visited my electorate office in Buderim, together with other Sunshine Coast LNP MPs and stated that the LNP would not commit to delivering this project. I was deeply disappointed by this statement as it left me unable to best represent my constituents on this matter. Ultimately, it was one of the reasons that I left the LNP.”
“If One Nation is elected to government or holds the balance of power after the state election, funding will be committed to this vital $440 million road upgrade. Will the LNP again follow One Nation’s lead and finally recommit to this funding or will they continue to ignore the needs of the Sunshine Coast?
Mr Dickson added, “What are the views of the LNP candidate for Buderim, the Member for Kawana and the Member for Glasshouse and Shadow Minister for Transport, Main Roads and Local Government? Now is the time for action, not petitions.”
26 September 2017

Half a million dollar pledge for Buderim Men’s Shed

Queensland Leader One Nation and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has committed to $500,000 for construction of the new Buderim Men’s Shed.
“If a One Nation government is elected in Queensland or we hold the balance of power, the Buderim Men’s shed will finally be able to construct and move into their new permanent home.
“Yesterday I took Senator Pauline Hanson on a visit to the Buderim Men’s Shed, which is one of the biggest men’s shed groups in Australia. She was very impressed and understands the importance of what Men’s Sheds offer to their members and the wider community.
“The group was established in early 2011, currently operates from a temporary facility at Mill Rd in Buderim, generously provided by owners Dr. Bill Glasson and Prof. Claire Jackson,” Mr Dickson said.
Buderim Men’s Shed President Rick Beasley said, “The funding will allow construction of a permanent facility. “This contribution from One Nation will mean that we can continue to operate our organisation which provides a safe and friendly meeting place for men to work on projects, discuss health issues, make friends and learn new skills in the company of like-minded men.”
In addition, the Buderim Men’s Shed will work with other non-profit organisations who will be able to make use of this facility.
Mr Dickson said, “Members of the Buderim Men’s Shed just completed work on a joint project between myself, Cr Christian Dickson and the Sippy Downs and District Community Association, repairing and painting the boundary fence that is the entrance to Chancellor Park Estate, Sippy Downs.”
22 September 2017

Turnbull steals One Nation’s coal-fired power station policy for North Queensland

Queensland One Nation Leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP learned today that the Prime Minister is now backing One Nation’s plan to build a new coal-fired power station in the north of the State.
Mr Dickson said, “One Nation has consistently pushed this policy since February despite suffering criticism and a lack of solid support from the major parties. But what has happened now? Within sight of a State election, the Prime Minister is making another visit to Queensland in an effort to have the moribund LNP elected to office.
“The power station the Prime Minister is now supporting needs to be funded and built by the Government, not private industry (mates). And it needs to be built next to a coal mine (also One Nation policy).
“The Queensland Leader of the Opposition’s idea to subsidise private enterprise to build a coal-fired power station, represents asset sales by stealth. It is reminiscent of when Tim Nicholls was Queensland Treasurer and consistently stated that there were only three ways to pay down debt and build infrastructure: sell or lease state-owned assets, cut government services, or increase taxes.
“The ALP and LNP voted together in the recent State budget for 50 percent of our power to come from unsustainable and currently uneconomic renewable energy such as wind and solar. They also voted together to increase a range of other taxes and charges, including car registration fees.
“Their renewable policy has led us to the position where thousands of Queenslanders cannot afford to pay their power bills, and we are facing the threat of blackouts during the coming summer months.
Both the ALP and LNP are responsible for the increasing cost of electricity in this State.
“Last month in Parliament, I asked the Premier a Question without Notice – would the state government build a coal-fired power station in Queensland. She answered ‘no’.”
“Why is Australia exporting 85 percent of its coal each year so other countries can enjoy cheap electricity? It is nonsense. We need the coal here so Australians can afford electricity. In hearing the Federal Government’s change in attitude, I know the public will not be hoodwinked by the Prime Minister’s backflip on a new coal-fired power station.
“Building a coal fired power station in North Queensland has clearly been One Nation policy and now the LNP is trying to play catch up,” Mr Dickson said.

Why can’t the Government acknowledge scanners are driving patrons away from safe night venues?

“Only an out of touch ALP Government could claim the Safe Night ID Scanning scheme has led to a drop in crime around the venues, rather than see the fact it has driven patrons out of the area”, One Nation Queensland leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP said today.
Mr Dickson said, “The ALP is deluded if it thinks a drop of nearly 25 percent in patronage at the safe night venues is a good outcome for anybody.
“The fact is 213,000 patrons were scanned throughout Queensland during the first week in July when scanners were introduced, but by the last week in August only 167,000 were attending the safe night venues.
“If crime has dropped it is not because of the success of the scanners, it is because no one is going to the areas anymore.”
“You notice the Government does not talk about by how much crime has dropped, nor did they acknowledge the huge drop in patronage. They have their heads in the sand,” he said.
“In August I committed that One Nation would scrap these compulsory ID scanning laws if elected to government or holds the balance of power at the next state election.
“These latest figures make it obvious the scanners are having an impact the Government did not intend, not only in a massive drop in patronage, but also on our reputation as an international tourist destination.
“We have become a joke because tourists on a night out without their ID are being turned away from licensed venues in droves.
“The Government claimed the scanners were designed to keep patrons safe and ensure they can have a fun night out. But no-one apparently thought about the tourists and visitors, and the fact patrons would simply not go to the venues.
“Many venues have chosen to shut at midnight rather than install the scanners, and One Nation supports a re-think of the whole issue”, Mr Dickson said.
Co-owner of Brisbane’s Jade Buddha Phil Hogan said, “It’s like a doctor stating that he’s cured the symptoms of the common cold, but the patient is dead!”.
19 September 2017


Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP says the Turnbull Government report showing we are at risk of an imminent shortfall in baseload power confirms both the LNP and ALP have failed Australia on electricity.

He said, “Their pursuit of subsidised renewable energy such as wind and solar power at the expense of cheap coal power is only driving up household electricity bills.

“The report warns of a gap in the national electricity supply as coal-fired stations are being inexplicitly shut down. In short, it says we won’t have enough electricity to run homes or industry.”

Mr Dickson said, “One Nation’s policy is to build a new coal-fired station in the north, but given this report, we should be building two of them.

“With two new stations, Queensland’s future can be to power the rest of Australia.

“It seems only One Nation is prepared to address the rising power prices, and having two new power stations would allow Queensland to profitably sell energy into the other States, and importantly, to bring down prices.

“Coal-fired power stations can provide enormous amounts of reliable cheap electricity. Queensland has the coal, and One Nation has the drive and determination to see the new facilities built.

“With Queensland “powering Australia” apart from bringing down power prices, we can put profits from the coal-fired stations back into more infrastructure.”

He added, “The old parties have had their day. No-one any longer believes they have the answer to rising power prices. As for the Greens, the ALP and LNP are running the Green’s agenda.”

A new poll out today shows that half the country refuses to pay a premium for renewable energy. Surely that fact alone should be enough to make the ALP and LNP rethink their renewable policies, but I bet they don’t. And it will be at their own peril.

Queensland has an election before the next Federal poll, and One Nation can’t wait.


One Nation Queensland leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP says if the ALP Government was serious in its support of medicinal cannabis products, it would subsidise their use by Queenslanders before announcing the coming election.

Mr Dickson said, I am fed up with the delays in Queenslanders being able to access medicinal cannabis products, their continuing high cost and the problems in finding doctors who can/will prescribe the products.

“Earlier this year the State Government wanted the Federal Minister to make medicinal cannabis more affordable by placing it on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

“The Federal Government rejected the request and suggested Queensland go it alone by considering a subsidy for medicinal cannabis products. Since then we have heard nothing.”

“The Health Minister knows affordability remains a major issue in relation to patients accessing medicinal cannabis, and if the Government won’t implement the subsidy he should tell us why,” Mr Dickson said. “People who need medicinal cannabis products deserve to have them readily available at a non-prohibitive cost.”

“If the State Labor Government has any compassion at all it would support a subsidy on medicinal cannabis products for Queenslanders.
“I left the LNP over this issue and many others. It’s time that the LNP and Labor took One Nation’s lead and started putting People Before Politics,” he said.


Queensland One Nation Leader and Member for Buderim, Steve Dickson MP has this afternoon announced his Deputy in the lead-up to the State election as Sam Cox.

Mr Dickson said, “The major parties have neglected rural and regional Queensland for too long, and One Nation are genuine in our approach to fairer representation across the state”.

“Senator Hanson and I have been impressed with the experience and work ethic of Sam since his endorsement. His representation of North Queensland has not gone unnoticed and I see him as an asset to the people of Queensland as much as I do in his home seat of the Burdekin”.

Sam Cox is one of 53 candidates now endorsed for the Queensland election.


One Nation Queensland leader Steve Dickson says neither the ALP nor the LNP are prepared to rule out future development of Halls Creek in spite of the wishes of the Sunshine Coast Council and local residents.

The Member for Buderim said, “One Nation is fully behind the Council’s stand to protect the Pumicestone Passage waterways by not having Halls Creek included in future urban development plans.

“The Shaping SEQ document released by the Government on Friday describes Halls Creek as a potential growth area after 2041.

“This is a serious issue for people on the Sunshine Coast and the Government can expect a backlash if it fails to respond to local wishes.”

He said, “The Deputy Premier had tried to play down the inclusion of Halls Creek as a potential growth area by saying its future would depend on a range of matters, including further investigation to determine the site’s suitability.

“Let me tell Jackie Trad, the people on the Sunshine Coast believe Halls Creek is not suitable for urban growth, now or in the future.

“I agree with Mayor Jamieson that the potential environmental effects that development could have on the Pumicestone Passage are far too great to risk.

“As for the LNP, Glass House MP Andrew Powell, told Parliament last year (29 November) that “Positives (in the SEQ Regional Plan) include “leaving Halls Creek there not for immediate consideration, but for consideration beyond the life of the plan”. “So here again we have the ALP and LNP spouting the same policies, and again, failing to listen to local communities.

“Governments who ignore the community’s wishes do so at their own risk.”

Mr Dickson said, “Any proper planning for the future of the Sunshine Coast would include the immediate upgrading of the railway line servicing the area. Both LNP and ALP Governments have promised to get this job done, but have failed to deliver.

“One Nation will take a policy to the coming state election of having the railway duplication works started immediately because the Sunshine Coast deserves better than what they have been forced to accept for years by the major Parties.”


One Nation Queensland leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP said today all coal miners in the State should have world-leading safe working environments.

Mr Dickson said, “It is up to the Government to make sure this happens, and it should immediately adopt the recommendations of the Coal Workers Black Lung Select Committee which was tabled in May.

“One Nation has commended the Committee on its work in this area.”

Mr Dickson said it is a fundamental right that coal miners have a safe working environment. If mine owners are not prepared to meet these standards, they should not be operating in Queensland.

“One Nation is a strong supporter of the State’s coal industry, but the health and safety of workers must be paramount.

“If mine owners need to invest more money to minimise coal dust at their operations, they must do so immediately. I don’t believe that such investment would increase electricity prices.

“The rises in power prices Queenslanders are now being saddled with, have two causes. One is the ALP Government’s reckless push to have 50 percent of our power come from uneconomic renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.

“The other was highlighted by the Queensland Economic Advocacy Solutions report this week that said the rising power prices are being driven by the ALP Government’s excessive use of energy companies as cash cows to fund its debts”, Mr Dickson said.


Queensland One Nation leader Steve Dickson MP says it’s ironic that on the day he hosts a Retirement Villages Act forum in Buderim to drive change to the current laws; the ALP announces it will finally do something about the Retirement Villages Act.

The Member for Buderim said the ALP and LNP had both been dragging their heels on this issue for the last couple of years.

“I have had a constant stream of residents visiting my office with concerns about the Act, and over 200 residents attended my forum today to voice their concerns.

“The ALP has clearly sniffed this Act as an election issue and is now trying to make it look as if it is doing something. The question is can they can get a comprehensive review of the Act through Parliament before the Premier goes to an election?

“If not, the announcement today is a sham”, Mr Dickson said.

“Clearly One Nation’s main priority is the appointment of an Ombudsman to oversee the Act and make sure people are not being unfairly treated by the retirement village owners.

“We also need fairer, clearer contracts, and exit fee arrangements need to be clearly explained to buyers before they invest,” he said.

Mr Dickson said One Nation was delighted that today two of its policies had been adopted by the ALP and LNP. The Retirement Villages Act overhaul by the Government and the new coal-fired power station for North Queensland by the National Party.