Steve Dickson confirms that he will remain the Queensland Leader of One Nation

Senator Pauline Hanson said, “With his parliamentary experience of over 11 years as a State MP Steve is a valuable asset to Pauline Hanson’s One Nation. I’m pleased that Steve has accepted my offer to remain the Party’s Queensland leader.”
Mr Dickson said his duties will include supporting the newly elected Member for Mirani Stephen Andrew and preparing for the next Queensland election.
“One Nation’s vote is up 1539% since the last Queensland election, which has gone from 24,111 votes to a staggering 371,193. We want to assure residents that One Nation will remain an active force in Queensland politics,” he said.

A vote for the LNP in Buderim is also a vote for the ALP because of preference allocation

Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim, Steve Dickson says the LNP decision to preference the ALP ahead of him in the coming election shows they are no longer a party of principles, but rather bitter opportunists who would cut off their nose to spite their face.
Mr Dickson said despite the fact he left the LNP, he is still a conservative and is proud to represent the conservative voters of Buderim.
“With pre-polling opening today, I have preferenced the LNP ahead of the ALP and Green candidates in Buderim.
“There is no way that as a conservative I could ask the voters of Buderim who support me, to then vote for the ALP ahead of the LNP.
“It is astounding that the LNP will actually give their preference vote to the ALP, especially seeing that their candidate is the son of the LNP Regional Chair.
“For the next 12 days, I will make it my duty to inform LNP voters in Buderim that they are also supporting the ALP if they follow the party directions. I am sure it will come as shock to most of them.
“The reason I left the LNP was because of the way the Buderim electorate had been ignored for years because it was a safe LNP seat.
“My switch to One Nation has had a dramatic impact on the attitude of both major parties. Both have suddenly decided they can find funding for the major infrastructure projects the Sunshine Coast deserved to have years ago.
“It is the sort of cynical and superficial politics by the major parties that has so alienated the electors and they won’t be fooled by their late attempt to buy their votes.
“While parties can indicate to their supporters how they should allocate preferences on polling day, the voter can make up their own mind if they don’t agree with the party direction.
“I am hopeful that LNP supporters will see the folly in their preference going to the ALP ahead of One Nation,” Mr Dickson said.
13 November 2017

One Nation commits to protecting local Queensland Airports

Queensland One Nation Leader Steve Dickson has today committed his party to protecting local airports around the State.
He said many of them are under threat from the old political parties who are reducing their lease terms and allowing housing developments to encroach onto airport perimeters.
Mr Dickson said, “One Nation will ensure local airports are given 99 year leases so as they can seriously plan for the future.
“Local airports are part of the culture of Queensland, particularly in rural and regional areas.
“It isn’t good enough for politicians in capital cities to make such detrimental decisions about local airports.
“The local airport is part of the community. People learn to fly planes there, and country kids can learn aviation trade skills. We need to protect the airports and ensure their long term viability.”
Mr Dickson said it wasn’t only local airports that were feeling this squeeze. It is happening to our race tracks and chicken farms and other similar industries.
“They all need protection, and One Nation is committed to just that.
“To allow us to do this, it is important on November 25 that every supporter vote number one for One Nation.
“The people in regional and rural Queensland are big contributors to the State economy. They are entitled to and deserve proper facilities, be it their local airport or other industries.”
“Labor and the LNP have ignored the regions for far too long. It’s time they were held accountable for their inaction and neglect,” Mr Dickson said.

One Nation Domestic Violence Policy—Keeping Families Connected

Queensland One Nation leader Steve Dickson MP said today one of the major issues which needs urgent action by Government is Domestic Violence, in all its forms.

He said in recent years there have been many reviews of legislation by both Federal and State Governments around the issues of domestic violence, family law and social policy following marriage breakdown.

One Nation believes domestic violence policy should put more focus on the children impacted by marriage breakdown. The resulting separation of parents should not unduly cause restriction of access to children for one parent.

One Nation will introduce the following amendments to legislation:

  • Ensure protection orders are applied so as not to unnecessarily restrict parental access to children.
  • Protection order hearings should require both parents to be present in court at the same time, so that allegations against either can be challenged prior to orders being imposed.
  • In the same sense, the ability to consent without admission when children are involved should be deleted to ensure that allegations are based on evidence. If violence has occurred then the perpetrator should be penalised.
  • The preamble to the Domestic Violence Act must be amended to make it gender neutral, the job of government is to protect all victims of family and domestic violence regardless of their age, gender or sexuality and the preamble to the Act must reflect this.

Mr Dickson said, “The One Nation candidate for Glass House Tracey Bell-Henselin has an extensive background in child protection working in family services. Tracey holds a Bachelor Degree in Law and Justice and most importantly has a long history of supporting parents as they deal with family court. She is strong family advocate and due to her experience, has been appointed as the One Nation spokesperson for policies relating to domestic violence and child welfare.

Mrs Bell-Henselin said, “Clearly, what is beyond doubt is that violence against any person should not be tolerated, but I believe the legislation needs amending to reflect community values and expectations.

“What appears to have escaped the attention of politicians and bureaucrats is the impact on parents of being separated from their children because of court procedures and the human impacts of the breakdown of the family unit.

“One astonishing and little unacknowledged impact has been an increase in male suicide, with estimates as high as 21 suicides per week because of the family breakdown nationally.

“I am a very strong advocate for woman’s rights and I acknowledge that the current Queensland domestic violence policy provides poor support for male victims of domestic violence and family breakdowns and urgently needs changing. We believe that families need to stay connected wherever possible for the ongoing health of children and parents,” she said.


One Nation Queensland leader Steve Dickson MP has challenged the ALP and LNP to cut electricity prices by returning power company dividends rather than putting them into consolidated revenue.

The Member for Buderim said that in the next Parliament, One Nation will allow power companies to keep the $1.3 billion a year in dividends they pay to the Government so electricity prices can be cut by about 20 per cent.

Mr Dickson said the companies would then re-invest those funds into providing Queenslanders with cheaper power.

“This is a long standing One Nation Policy. The challenge for the ALP and LNP is to put the people first and help them be able to afford power during the coming hot summer months, if indeed the grid doesn’t fail altogether,” he said.

Mr Dickson said the $1.3 billion can be recovered by savings in Government tendering operations which currently see the State paying millions more for products than it needs to.

“The recent Turnbull Government report showing the country is at risk of an imminent shortfall in base load power confirms both the LNP and ALP have failed Australia on electricity.

“Their pursuit of subsidised renewable energy such as wind and solar power at the expense of cheap coal power is only driving up household electricity bills.

“The report warns of a gap in the national electricity supply as coal fired stations are being shut down. In short it says we won’t have enough electricity to run homes or industry,” he said.

Mr Dickson said One Nation’s policy is to build a new coal fired station in the north because they can provide reliable cheap electricity.
“Queensland has the coal, and One Nation has the drive and determination to see the new facilities built.

“We know that half the country refuses to pay a premium for renewable energy. That alone should be enough to make the ALP and LNP rethink their renewable policies,” he said.

Labor government denies child medical oxygen

Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has called out the Premier, the Minister for Health and Queensland Health over a 9 year old child being denied medical oxygen.

“Yesterday in Parliament, I asked Premier Palaszczuk a Question Without Notice as to why this child was being denied oxygen”, Mr Dickson said.
“This is a disgraceful pig-headed situation. The young girl suffers from 18 medical conditions including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, scoliosis, communicating hydrocephalus, oesophageal dysmotility, hypotonia with central origin, feeding difficulties, hip dysplasia, chronic neonatal lung disease, global developmental delay, gastrostomy, macrocephaly, tracheomalacia, laryngomalacia, plagiocephaly, intellectual impairment, obstructive sleep apnoea with hyper-ventilation and auto-immune disease.”

Mr Dickson added, “For the past 3 years, Kaitlyn has been using medical cannabis oil after pharmaceutical drugs were causing up to 60 seizures a day, making life near unbearable. Now all of a sudden, doctors at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital have decided they will not supply bottled oxygen to the child, which she has been receiving since she was born.”

Kaitlyn’s mother Katrina Spraggon says, “In early August I put in a complaint under the public interest disclosure act to the Queensland Premier and Health Minister regarding serious allegations of misconduct by Queensland Health who are refusing to give my daughter and hundreds of others with severe epilepsy in Queensland, a legal prescription for medicinal cannabis”.

“Queensland Health doctors have allowed me to give Kaitlyn cannabis medicine in hospital for nearly three years with the Director stating he has put the policy aside because medicinal cannabis is very effective for Kaitlyn. Discharge notes from her last visit on 27 August 2017 even tell me to give her ‘THC and THCA cannabis oil for seizure management’ but they refuse to give a prescription. Next thing I know I get home from the hospital and two Queensland Police detectives pull up with a search warrant for illegal cannabis medicine – reported by Queensland Health!”

Ms Spraggon said, “I’m absolutely speechless to find out today that the Premier has forwarded my complaint for investigation to the same Queensland Health staff that I have specifically named in my complaint. I would hate to think that Kaitlyn being denied oxygen has anything to do with me lodging a complaint.

“I don’t want to break the law! I want a legal medicine so my child can go to school – she has been not allowed to attend also because her medicine isn’t legal. Cannabis medicine has given me back a child I was told I would never know – I’m still getting to know her after so many years heavily sedated, clinging to life, giving her CPR every other week when she was on pharmaceutical medication.

“The director from Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital stated if I take her to hospital this is the medicine they will force her back on (pharmaceutical) – it’s beyond cruel. The Queensland Government is torturing us and other families and it must stop now!”

“Queensland Health need to stop bullying doctors into not prescribing what they know children need!” This isn’t the first time Queensland Health have withheld oxygen from my daughter and this is the reason that she has all of these health problems. I have a case pending and the strain on my family is inconceivable.”

Ms Spraggon stated, “With regard to the Premier’s answer to Mr Dickson’s Question in Parliament, I was mortified to hear the Premier tell the Parliament that I am refusing treatment for my daughter. I have documents from Queensland Health to prove that I am not. As a mother, I simply want life-saving treatment for my daughter.”

“Finally, in answer to my Question in Parliament, the Premier stated that a meeting is scheduled for this Friday with Katrina and the Health Minister. And I will be attending with her to ensure the best outcome for Kaitlyn. I just don’t trust this Labor government”, Mr Dickson said.

Queenslanders deserve to know how the state government will manage power blackouts

Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has called on the State Government to reveal how it intends to enforce its ‘blueprint’ in an effort to prevent blackouts during the summer months.

“Queenslanders need to know the full details of the Premier’s plans before she calls the coming State election. We read today that Labor State Government has a ‘drastic plan to force millions of Queenslanders to keep their air-conditioning at 26 degrees during the hot summer months’. How exactly does the Premier plan to enforce this?”

Mr Dickson said, “The Government could also reassure the community by confirming what back-up plans they have for places like hospitals in the event of blackouts.

“Both the ALP and LNP are responsible for the position the State is now facing. It is up to them to make sure the problems are addressed.

“The ALP and LNP voted in the recent State budget to have Queensland eventually generate 50 per cent of its power from wind or sun power. Both these renewable energy sources are currently highly subsidised and not price competitive with coal,” he said.

Mr Dickson said, “As a start, to address the problems of supply, the Government, either State or Federal needs to immediately follow One Nation’s lead and commit to funding to building a new government-owned coal fired power station in North Queensland, preferably near an existing coal mine.
10 August 2017

One Nation Pledges Funding For Major Arts and Exhibition Centre At Maroochydore CBD

Queensland One Nation leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has pledged to build the long planned Sunshine Coast Arts and Exhibition Centre at SunCentral Maroochydore if his party wins government or has the balance of power after the coming election.
Mr Dickson said, “The Major Arts and Exhibition Centre was first proposed in 1984, but never actioned by either the LNP or the ALP and it’s time their dithering and non-support for the Coast be shown as the contempt it is.
“One Nation will ensure allocation of $100 million for the project and expects it to be supported by $25 million from Sunshine Coast Council.
“The project is well overdue; the Sunshine Coast is by far the largest population base without a fully tiered theatre of commercial size and the declared Principal Activity Centre of Maroochydore has no dedicated convention or entertainment facilities.
Joe Natoli, Former Mayor of Maroochy Shire Council said, “This is welcomed news, because based on the history of the Sunshine Coast this announcement was not going to be made by either the LNP or the Labor Party. “Over the 33 years since the first study there has been nine premiers -5 LNP and 4 Labor and the best offer we have had was when Fiona Simpson and the Newman Government made a pledge, however it was subject to major government owned assets sales, if re-elected, and a significant financial contribution by council.”
This facility will signal confidence to the market and it will be a major driver to further private investments, which in return means lots of jobs. “It’s exactly what council needs to drive its investment and commitment to building the new centre at SunCentral. The commitment by Steve Dickson and One Nation will mean council NO LONGER will need a casino as a carrot to make this happen.”
Mr Dickson agreed with Mr Natoli, “I strongly believe that with our funding, council will no longer need to consider a casino as a driver to building a Sunshine Coast Arts and Exhibition Centre at SunCentral”. This is a problem for Local Governments when, like the Sunshine Coast, they have been seeking major funding for key infrastructure and continually ignored by the major parties, they have to look towards extreme measures like building a casino.
“The economics of the project are undeniable and One Nation has the vision and foresight to push ahead with funding this important regional project.”
“In the last 33 years there have been at least five major feasibility studies into the project, culminating in the ill-conceived Ranbury Report of 2010, now discarded by Sunshine Coast Council because it was costed at about $381 million in today’s dollars. The cost of the Ranbury proposal was always going to be too high to attract government funding support; consequently a more realistic ‘ask’ is required, Mr Dickson said.
He said, “A 2007 Report into the project by former Nambour Civic Centre Manager and then Manager Community Events & Celebrations, Michael Bloyce built upon all the concepts and feasibility studies carried out to that point.
“It proposed an integrated and versatile set of facilities, as follows:
  • a 1,260 seat, tiered theatre catering for Performing Arts and Conferences;
  • a smaller, flexible, more intimate theatre of 350 seats;
  • an exhibition hall of 2,500 sq. m, which would cater also for medium-scale entertainment (seating up to 2,500 patrons), conventions and banquets; and
  • a regional art gallery for the central Sunshine Coast.
Mr Dickson said, “It is proposed that the Sunshine Coast Arts & Exhibition Centre should be designed in accordance with Mr Bloyce’s 2007 Report, which costed the Centre at $94 million, plus car parking.
“Using the RBA’s inflation calculator, this sum is equivalent to $119.5 million in 2017 dollars and allowing for a planning and procurement delay of a further two years before construction commences, total funding estimated at $125 million is required to deliver the facility.”
“The economic benefits of building the centre would be enormous for the Sunshine Coast.”
“By way of comparison, Darwin Convention Centre was opened in 2008 at a cost of $110 million. It has a 1,200-seat capacity in its largest auditorium and some 4,000 square metres of exhibition space, so it is slightly larger than that envisaged for the Sunshine Coast. After five years of operation, the venue had hosted 360,000 visitors and 1,000 events, worth an estimated $230 million in economic benefit to the Northern Territory economy.
“Given this result and the Coast’s larger population; and adjusted for 2017 dollars, it is estimated that a new Centre on the Sunshine Coast will generate at least $250 million in economic impact in the first five years of its operation. In other words, the return on investment will be 2.5 times the subsidy outlaid,” Mr Dickson said.
He said a new Arts & Exhibition Centre at Maroochydore will not compromise the existing Sunshine Coast Events Centre at Caloundra.
“The Caloundra facility will be required into the future to service the southern Sunshine Coast and, in particular, the new developments at Caloundra South, expected to be home to approximately 50,000 people.
“However, a new centre located in the Principal Activity Centre of Maroochydore (SunCentral) will make it possible to reach about 90% of the Coast’s population within a drive time of half an hour, compared to only 50% for the existing Caloundra facility.
“It will also give economic credence and social capital value to the new Maroochydore CBD,” Mr Dickson said.
One Nation Candidate for Maroochydore Cam Young said, “This One Nation funding announcement is excellent news for the Maroochydore electorate and the entire Sunshine Coast Region. As a former member of the Sunshine Coast Arts and Convention Centre Committee I know that this centre is long overdue and will be well utilised by both locals and visitors alike.”

Verge (nature strip) parking policy – One Nation

Queensland Leader of One Nation and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP has announced One Nation’s policy for verge parking.

Mr Dickson said, “With urban growth continuing, the issue of Queenslanders finding places to park their vehicles around their properties is escalating.  We are seeing smaller and smaller blocks being developed in estates with narrower streets to accommodate more people.  There is often little or no on-street parking.

“Currently in Queensland the law does not allow for drivers to park on the verge (footpath, dividing strip or nature strip) adjacent to a length of road in a built-up area, unless a parking control sign applies.  The state government currently allows councils to install ‘P on Verge’ signs to allow parking on nature strips.  However, this would require a large amount of signage in the region at great expense and would be considered unsightly.”

Sunshine Coast Councillor Christian Dickson has advised that verge parking is a big issue for residents of the Buderim electorate.  Cr Dickson said, “I receive daily complaints from residents who have been fined $94 for parking on the verge outside their properties, or for parking in their driveways with their vehicles overhanging the verge.  For some families, there is no alternative.”

Mr Dickson said, “After consultation with Cr Dickson and listening to community feedback, One Nation’s policy is that an exemption should be in place for property owners and occupiers. If a One Nation state government is elected or holds the balance of power after the coming state election, we would allow councils to give residents the right to choose whether or not they want vehicles parking on the verge in front of their residence.  Any permission would be granted on the proviso that ample room for safe pedestrian access was maintained.

“Council’s throughout Queensland would have the ability to monitor such verge parking allowances on a complaint basis as it currently does through the provision of regulatory services.

“This is about giving power back to the people.  If residents do not want vehicles parking on their verge, so be it.  However, for families with multiple vehicles and narrow streets, this will stop them receiving council parking fines for parking in front of their residence.  For motorists, if the parking is not outside their own residence, then they should assume that is illegal to do so.

Mr Dickson added, “This policy is based on Western Australian legislation.  WA is the only state in Australia that accommodates nature strip parking in State and Local Government legislation.  One Nation is committed to legislation that puts people before politics.”

One Nation would add to the current Queensland legislation subject to the current rules, an additional subclause that;

A person must not stop or park a vehicle so that any portion of it is on the verge unless the driver is the owner or occupier of the premises adjacent to that verge or is a person authorised by the occupier of those premises.

With the provision that drivers will not under any circumstances park over or within one metre of any inspection plate or pit of any utility i.e. energy, water, telecommunications, or water hydrant likely to be accessed by fire or other emergency services personnel.

This Clause will apply to the following classes of vehicle;

Mopeds, class RE and or C; Learner approved motorcycle, class RE; Motorcycle, class R.

Car [not more than 4.5 tonnes (t) Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) built to carry not more than 12 adults including the driver], class C.

For more information see Facebook video – (link)

One Nation opposes coal seam gas mining in Channel Country

Queensland One Nation Leader and Member for Buderim, Steve Dickson MP today announced the Party opposes any extension of coal seam gas mining into the State’s channel country.

Mr Dickson said, “The jury is still out on the safety of CSG mining, and what threat it posed to the Great Artesian Basin.

“There needs to be a full inquiry into coal seam gas mining that has already occurred in the Surat Basin before any more projects are considered. Until there is irrefutable scientific proof that such mining would have no impact on the Basin, One Nation is opposed to new exploration or mining.

“We already have the devastating impacts at Chinchilla.”

In supporting Mr Dickson, One Nation Callide candidate Sharon Lohse, who has a grazing property in the Surat Basin said any risk to the Channel Country was not worth taking.

“Where the major parties are focussed on CSG and renewables as the answer to the energy crisis, One Nation has a broader view of the future. We see new coal power stations and water security as the way forward for Australia.

“This country was forged on agriculture, not coal seam gas, and agriculture is our future, because without it, we don’t eat, we need food,” she said.

Ms Lohse said our water resources are too important to put at risk. She said, “The Great Artesian Basin has driven Australian agriculture for nearly 200 years, we cannot risk damaging it by coal seam gas mining.”

“The Channel Country is renowned as a stock fattening area, but depends on a reliable water supply. If mining compromised the Basin, the ramifications for not only Queensland, but the rest of Australia can only be imagined. We need scientific proof there is no risk before any holes are dug.”

Mr Dickson said Queensland only earned $36 million in royalties from gas miners last year.

“I think the mining companies are getting the gas cheaply at the moment, and why are we selling out the reliability of our valuable water supplies for $36 million a year?” Mr Dickson said.

26 September 2017