One Nation Queensland leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP says if the ALP Government was serious in its support of medicinal cannabis products, it would subsidise their use by Queenslanders before announcing the coming election.

Mr Dickson said, I am fed up with the delays in Queenslanders being able to access medicinal cannabis products, their continuing high cost and the problems in finding doctors who can/will prescribe the products.

“Earlier this year the State Government wanted the Federal Minister to make medicinal cannabis more affordable by placing it on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.

“The Federal Government rejected the request and suggested Queensland go it alone by considering a subsidy for medicinal cannabis products. Since then we have heard nothing.”

“The Health Minister knows affordability remains a major issue in relation to patients accessing medicinal cannabis, and if the Government won’t implement the subsidy he should tell us why,” Mr Dickson said. “People who need medicinal cannabis products deserve to have them readily available at a non-prohibitive cost.”

“If the State Labor Government has any compassion at all it would support a subsidy on medicinal cannabis products for Queenslanders.
“I left the LNP over this issue and many others. It’s time that the LNP and Labor took One Nation’s lead and started putting People Before Politics,” he said.