One Nation’s Queensland candidates met for a two-day conference in Brisbane over the weekend to strategically plan winning the next state election.
One Nation Queensland leader and Member for Buderim Steve Dickson MP said, “It was uplifting to have One Nation candidates from the Cook electorate to the Gold Coast and western Queensland get together. We have a strong, dynamic group of candidates who would make excellent representatives for their electorates in the Queensland Parliament. Senator Pauline Hanson and I passed on our thanks to candidates for their commitment to serve their communities.
Mr Dickson said, “It is expected that the latest opinion poll showing a six percent slump in support for the Coalition federally, will be reflected at the Queensland state election.”
“Disaffected Liberal/National voters are unlikely to turn to the ALP, and One Nation offers them a Party which retains core values and a commitment to Australia. And it’s not just the LNP who is unpopular with voters. As I meet constituents throughout the State, even rusted on ALP voters have the same complaints about being ‘taken for granted’.
“You have to question the LNP’s integrity over last week’s budget vote. It was a bizarre set of circumstances. One minute the LNP voted against the budget and a few moments later changed and voted to pass Labor’s budget. This means that the LNP and Labor have voted together to ensure more increases in fees and charges like car registration and insurance. Only myself and the Katter Party voted against it.
“In voting for this budget, the LNP are in bed with Labor in their quest for a 50 per cent renewable energy target, which is turn will drive up already unaffordable electricity costs. The Treasurer even made reference to that in his budget speech.”
Mr Dickson said “The two major Parties have lost their way and it’s not hard to see why they have lost support. Both the ALP and the LNP have good reason to be concerned about what will happen when they seek re-election in Queensland, whenever the Premier decides she will go to the polls.
“In April, One Nation released its first Queensland policy book and together with state candidates, I am working on future policies. Unlike the major parties, One Nation has not forgotten its grassroots origins. We listen to the people, and we put people before politics.
“The LNP and Labor are getting closer together by the day, but unfortunately the closer they get, the less they stand for. One Nation is the only Party that will truly stand up for Queenslanders,” Mr Dickson said.